Donate to the Band

The Jefferson Pipe Band has two types of direct donations.

Direct donations at any time via PayPal.  Simply scan the QR code with your smart phone and enter the amount you wish to donate. You can also make donations through our Facebook page: The Jefferson Pipe Band Non-profit. As we are a 501(c)(3) non-profit, your directed donation can be claimed on your tax returns to the full extent allowed by law.

A legacy donation. Friends have asked how to name the Jefferson Pipe Band, Inc. as a beneficiary in their will. Please have your lawyer call us at 530-243-5240 for specific instructions for the corporations legal information on how to transfer the funds. We will provide specific bank information as well as our 501(c)(3) information. Any special requirements for the use of the funds can be discussed at such time information is requested for transfer of funds.

Interested sponsors for the June 15, 2024 concert information: